

Tulsa Eye Associates deals with a range of eye issues such as glaucoma. If you suspect glaucoma in Tulsa, OK, you should seek help immediately. Dr. James Ronk and Dr. Julie Soto are your local eye doctors who can provide the proper diagnosis and treatment you need for any eye problem.

What Is Glaucoma?

This serious disease happens when fluid builds up in the front area of your eye and can lead to blindness. As the fluid creates pressure it can damage the optic nerve. You may notice drainage issues due to this increased pressure. Symptoms of glaucoma usually start with gradual vision loss. The first signs of this vision loss show up in your peripheral vision. You may also begin to experience hazy vision, eye pain, and increased eye redness. You may even begin to see glares in bright light or halos around lights.

What Is Treatment for Glaucoma?

When you seek glaucoma care in Tulsa, OK, your specialist may give you medication to help reduce the amount of intraocular pressure you're feeling. It may be something as simple as eye drops or oral medication. If you haven't already begun your regular eye exams, you should start doing so, as they should take place at least every three years. However, if you begin to have vision problems, you may need annual ones. Surgery is also available, particularly by way of lasers.

Who Is Most at Risk?

Anyone who has elevated pressure inside the eye is at risk for glaucoma. It's also more common in people of African-American, Asian, or Hispanic heritage. Pay attention to your family history, as it can be highly hereditary. When it comes to age, people over the age of 60 are more likely to develop it.
Underlying health conditions can also make a diagnosis more likely. Conditions such as heart disease, hypertension, sickle cell, anemia, and diabetes can also lead to glaucoma. Diseases such as diabetes can affect nerves in different parts of your body, including the ocular nerve. That is why some diabetics can eventually develop blindness.

The professional team at Tulsa Eye Associates can help you with a glaucoma diagnosis in Tulsa, OK. Under the guided care of Dr. Ronk and Dr. Soto, you can manage and treat various eye conditions. Call the office at 918-492-8455 for an eye exam and any additional care needed today.

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